Do you ever have days where you want to throw in the towel? There are three piles of laundry to fold, the sink is overflowing with dirty dishes, and you run around trying to accomplish everything at once…and ultimately accomplish nothing?
These types of days used to frustrate me. Sometimes I would find myself buffering by going grocery shopping or working on my business instead. Some days (I’m not proud to say), I would feel frustrated towards my husband for “not helping me more.” It wasn’t until I realized this truth that my mindset changed:
Homemaking is an art, and women are God’s homemaking artists.

Men’s and Women’s Roles
God has gifted men and women with different talents, abilities, and responsibilities. My husband is responsible for supporting our family. His work brings home the lion’s share of our family income. He goes to work all day so that I don’t have to go to work all day. Instead, because he takes care of me, I can stay at our house and work from home.
My responsibility is to support the home. While my husband goes to work, I tend to the house so that at the end of the workday, he comes home to a clean and comfortable place to relax.
It often seems that the world disagrees with this sentiment. The world says women can do anything just as good as a man, therefore women should leave their homes and climb the corporate ladder and put off starting a family until after they’ve met these “real achievements.” I’m not saying that a woman is only supposed to work in the home. And I’m not saying that women can’t bring their talents and skills to the corporate world.
How God Made Women
What I am saying is God designed you to be a woman, an artist, a fair and beautiful creature, with special talents and abilities.
As women, we nurture.
We care for our families.
We are tender.
We are homemakers by nature.
We may deny that, but denying the facts doesn’t change God’s design.
When I started believing in God’s special design for me as a woman, I experienced a mindset shift. Instead of feeling frustrated that the laundry was piling up or the sink was overflowing, I felt empowered to get things done. I felt motivated to make our house a home to show my appreciation to God for His great design and to my husband for providing for our family. All of a sudden, in my mind, homemaking has become my superpower.

Tips to Make Your House a Home
Today, I want to share with you a few tips to help you make your house a home. So whether your employment is in or out of the home:
- Create a schedule for cleaning time to help you keep up with clutter without overwhelming yourself. You could choose literal times of the day or choose a time block like 30 minutes or an hour.
- Learn how to batch cook. This can help feed your family without spending several hours every night in the kitchen. Double your recipe, or create two meals from one meat (like cooking ground beef for tacos and spaghetti sauce on the same day).
- Have appropriate pride in your home and in your role. View your homemaking as a way to glorify the Lord. He’s given you everything, and now you can thank Him by being a good steward of that everything.
I hope this perspective on homemaking inspires you to praise God for giving women the wisdom and insight that helps keep our homes cozy and welcoming.
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