How to Start a New Bible Study

January 20, 2025

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So you’ve decided to start a fresh Bible study, how exciting! There are a few things you can do to prepare to study. These few things can help your study be as fruitful as possible. Let’s dive right in.

Praying to Prepare for Study

First things first: start with prayer. Before you even decide what to study, pause and allow the Lord to lead. Pray for wisdom and guidance, asking Him to open your heart and mind to the Bible’s text. Ask Him to help you clear your thoughts so you can focus on His Word.

If you’re unsure whether to focus on a topic like forgiveness or dive into a specific book like Psalms or James, ask God to help you decide.

Prepare to Study with the Right Supplies

Once you’ve spent time in prayer, gather everything you need for your study. Think of it as setting the table for a meaningful spiritual meal. Of course, you’ll need the Bible. And you may want pens or highlighters for marking key verses, a notebook for writing down thoughts and questions, and perhaps some supplemental materials like a study guide, commentary, or your favorite study Bible.

If you want a complete list of my favorite study tools, you can click here to read my blog post, The Best Tools for Bible Study.

Having your tools ready helps eliminate distractions so you can fully focus on Scripture.

Getting Familiar with Your Study Text or Topic

Before you dig into the text, take a few minutes to get an overview. If you’re studying a specific book of the Bible, read an introduction or guide to understand the background of the6* book (you can check out my resource shop for introductions to specific books, or invest in an ESV Study Guide filled with study notes).

Flip through your chosen Bible book and look at the chapter headers to see how the book is organized. This will help you approach the text with a clearer understanding of its direction and flow.

If you’re studying a certain topic, use a Google search or a Bible concordance to create a list of chapters and verses related to the chosen topic. After gathering your scriptures, you’ll be ready to read and study.

Reading Your Bible Is Always Part of Preparing to Study

Study helps us understand what the Bible means. But remember, in order to understand what the Bible means, we must first know what the Bible says.

Regular Bible reading will help our minds stay ready for general study. And when we’re preparing to study a specific book or topic, it’s a good idea to take time first to read our chosen scriptures. There’s no race to complete a study, no need to rush through our reading. Taking a moment to slowly sink in God’s inspired words will help us be in a better position to dig deeper.

By using these suggestions, your heart and mind will be prepared to study and absorb the Word of God. If you would like study inspiration regularly sent straight to your email, sign up to receive The Garden Party. My simple email newsletter is designed to help women take five minutes to refocus and reroot in Christ. Click here to join and start receiving study inspiration.

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